
If you feel difficulty in understanding speech in different scenarios,if you frequently ask others to repeat what they said,if you have a tendency to increase the volume of the TV,music etc than usual,if you have difficulty in following telephonic conversations etc,then you get your hearing tested.

But, it is advised to test your hearing annually even without any  hearing difficulties.

No. The basic hearing test Pure Tone Audiometry requires the patient to raise hand when the sounds given  through headphones are heard.

Hearing aids are devices designed to help to hear better.But it cannot restore the natural functioning of a normal ear.

If the hearing aid worn is digital,and is programmed and fitted appropriately by a certified Audiologist,then you do not have to worry about the worsening of hearing because of a hearing aid.

However,if you have any other medical conditions like  diabetes and also with ageing, the hearing loss might worsen naturally.

  • When you use a Hearing Aid, you will be able to hear the general sounds better, this may reduce the discomfort caused by ringing in the ear. 

    In advanced level Hearing aids, a more specific option for reducing the tinnitus(ringing sensation in the ear) is avaialable.It is called “Tinnitus Masker”.

  • While sleeping a person changes head positions and Hearing Aid is likely to be damaged due to additional pressure. Also that Hearing Aids are more prone to falling out while sleeping. So,it's not advisable to use hearing aids while sleeping.